Hey, Barb here!Hey, Barb here!

In the last issue I spent time sharing my thoughts around a case study that outlined a real case of keyword stuffing. It was so well received and I heard from a few people, clients old and new, checking in with how they are managing around this idea of managing their keyword strategies. I was pleasantly surprised at the reception and several people asked for more case studies that outline the struggles people have with using their blog to support their brand. I'm happy to do that!

Quick question for you: When did you post your latest new blog post? 0-1 week, 1+ - 3 weeks? 3+ - 4 weeks? Longer? Let me know using the email link below!

With that, let's get started with this issue!

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The WhatThe What

The WhyThe Why

The HowThe How

Did You Know?Did You Know?

  • 36% of Fortune 500 companies are using their blogs for thought leadership, product promotion and engagement.
  • Companies that blog receive 55% more traffic than companies that don't and they have 434% more indexed pages compared to those that don't.
  • Active company blogs have 97% more inbound links than websites without blogs.
  • Active company blogs generate 67% more leads than websites without blogs.
  • 81% of US online consumers say that blogs are trusted sources of information and advice.
  • 61% of US online consumers have made a purchase based on recommendations from a blog.
  • 68.52% of respondents say that a blog adds credibility to a website.

Before you go

Well, that's a wrap for this issue. Short and sweet but with some info you can use. Is this type of content helpful to you? Want some assistance with getting your (blog) word out without compromise? Let's connect - here's the link!

Do you know someone who would enjoy what this newsletter is all about? Let them know. We'd love to have them join us!

Until next issue, take care and happy blogging!

Barb Jemmott