Hey, Barb here!Hey, Barb here!

Well, after getting myself "knocked off my feet" healthwise these last couple of weeks it good to feel like I'm able to get back up to speed. The one thing about it though is having to clear the backlog of all the things that got postponed as well as reducing the piles that are currently hiding the surface of my desk.

I just might have to make this into a blog post to share with my own clients in the near future. Why do I even bring this up? To remind you that inspiration can come from any and all experiences and interactions. Your readers can find something valuable in posts such as these if you apply them to your niche. It sure adds a little extra flavour to your posts, I think!

Looking for back issues? Check out the Archives here

Barb Jemmott

The WhatThe What

The HowThe How

Did You Know?Did You Know?

  • Each month, approximately 409 million people view more than 20 billion pages.
  • 36% of readers prefer list-based headlines.
  • The “how-to” headline—a close cousin to the listicle—is the third most popular headline preference at around 17%.
  • Only 38% of bloggers are updating older articles.
  • 34% of bloggers say that updating content produces strong results.

Before you go

Well, that's a wrap for this issue. Short and sweet but with some info you can use. Is this type of content helpful to you? Want some assistance with getting your (blog) word out without compromise? Let's connect - here's the link to book a 30 minute call!

Do you know someone who would enjoy what this newsletter is all about? Let them know by sharing this link. We'd love to have them join us!

Until next issue, take care and happy blogging!

Barb Jemmott