Hey, Barb here!Hey, Barb here!

This issue hits on a couple of points I often hear from my blog producing clients and those struggles are real! These points can and have been broken down into a small set of focus points and they are: the What do I write about? (otherwise known as writers block); the How...do I create that(tools I can use to make my blog posts/content creation easier) and the What Next (otherwise known as now I've created this, where should I share my posts?)

I think this issue gives you some ideas around the processes you can easily follow to make your blog posts reach more people who are interested in what your business does and where you can help the reader. Remember, your customer journey starts with you connecting with your reader - your blog is a natural and effective place to start the process.

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Barb Jemmott

The WhatThe What

The WhenThe When

The HowThe How

Before you go

Well, that's a wrap for this issue. Short and sweet but with some info you can use. Is this type of content helpful to you? Want some assistance with getting your (blog) word out without compromise? Let's connect - here's the link to book a 30 minute call!

Do you know someone who would enjoy what this newsletter is all about? Let them know by sharing this link. We'd love to have them join us!

Until next issue, take care and happy blogging!

Barb Jemmott